Bizarre en tout cas.
voilà la manipulation roules tout droit, pas plus de 20KMh et tu stoppes avec volant et roues droites. Ne touches plus au volant et laisse le moteur tourner.
[44 - Steering Assist]
[Coding-II - 11] or if that function is not available then use [Sec.Access - 16] instead
Enter 40168, to enable the basic setting.
[Do it!]
[Basic Settings - 04]
Group 060
Activate the Basic Setting.
After a successful basic setting, field 1 should say "OK".
[Done, Go Back]
To make sure the basic setting was succesful, check the sensor again.
[Measuring Blocks - 08]
Group 007
Check field 1, the value has to be between -1.5 and +1.5 °.
[Done, Go Back]
[Close Controller, Go Back - 06]
Et puis tu fais
Special Procedures
Steering Limit Stop Adaptation
(Engine still running)
Center steering wheel (±10°) and hold it centered for 5 seconds.
Turn steering wheel completely to the left and hold it there for a second.
Turn steering wheel completely to the right and hold it there for a second.
Center steering wheel (±10°).
Switch OFF engine and ignition.
Switch ON ignition.
Wait 5 seconds.
Steering Assist Warning Lamp should turn OFF. If it doesn't, perform a short test drive.
Et le voyant s'éteindra. Si nécessaire refaire la seconde partie plusieurs fois jusqu'à extinction.